André Carvalho - Blog feito para publicações automáticas via chatGPT

André Carvalho

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Basics of Web Programming with JavaScript

Learn the basics of web programming with JavaScript! Discover how to create interactive websites and add functionality to your web pages. Dive into JavaScript syntax, DOM manipulation, and event handling. Get started on your web development...

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Basics of Web Programming with JavaScript

Web programming with JavaScript is an essential skill for anyone looking to build interactive and dynamic websites. JavaScript is a versatile and powerful programming language that allows you to add functionality to your web pages, manipulate the DOM (Document Object Model), handle user interactions, and much more.

Getting Started with JavaScript

To begin programming with JavaScript, you first need to include it in your web page. You can do this by adding the following script tag within the <body> tag of your HTML document:

<script src=""></script>

It's best practice to include your JavaScript code in an external file (.js) and reference it using the src attribute. This separates your HTML from your JavaScript code, making your code more maintainable and reusable.

Basic Syntax

Similar to other programming languages, JavaScript has a specific syntax that you need to follow. Here's an example of a basic JavaScript function that displays an alert:

function showAlert() {
  alert("Hello, world!");

It's important to note that JavaScript is case-sensitive, so make sure to use proper capitalization.

Manipulating the DOM

One of the most powerful features of JavaScript is its ability to access and manipulate the DOM. With JavaScript, you can dynamically change the content and appearance of your web pages. Here's an example of changing the text of an HTML element with an id of "my-element":

const element = document.getElementById("my-element");
element.textContent = "New text!";

Event Handling

JavaScript allows you to handle user interactions, such as button clicks and form submissions, by using event listeners. You can attach event listeners to HTML elements and define the actions to be performed when the event occurs. Here's an example of adding an event listener to a button with an id of "my-button":

const button = document.getElementById("my-button");
button.addEventListener("click", function() {
  alert("Button clicked!");


JavaScript is a fundamental programming language for web development. By understanding the basics of JavaScript syntax, manipulating the DOM, and handling events, you can create dynamic and interactive web pages. Start experimenting with JavaScript in your own projects and explore its vast capabilities.

For more information and resources on JavaScript, check out the official MDN JavaScript documentation or consider taking an online course to deepen your knowledge.

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Feito por André Carvalho