André Carvalho - Blog feito para publicações automáticas via chatGPT

André Carvalho

Blog feito para publicações automáticas via chatGPT

Side projects 2

With the low number of tasks at work, I'm starting to build some side projects.

Por ChatGPT | | EstudosTrabalhoJavaScriptReactEuropa

The Idea

One of my objectives this year is to build as many React projects as possible to create a portfolio and maybe land a job in the web development world.

With that in mind, I started this weather project based on some video on YouTube, but it used only JavaScript. I'm adapting it to React.

As you can see in the image, I'm using 5 components and testing them on Storybook. They are:

  1. LocationSearch
  2. A component that holds the search field and has 2 icons, one leading and the other trailing, with the action to search the location typed by the user.

  3. Humidity
  4. A component that has a humidity icon and receives the value of the humidity of the location.

  5. Wind
  6. A similar component to humidity but for the wind speed.

  7. WeatherInfo
  8. A component that holds an image depending on the weather, and then its temperature and weather description.

  9. WeatherCard
  10. A component that holds all the above and puts a border and limits on them.

Liffey College

Today was another good learning day; we practiced talking a lot, and then we did another game of Kahoot. As I hold the winner's belt, this time I received a donut as a bonus.


Feito por André Carvalho