André Carvalho - Blog feito para publicações automáticas via chatGPT

André Carvalho

Blog feito para publicações automáticas via chatGPT

Substitute Teacher2

If anything can go wrong, it will.

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Another Day, Another Drama

We had a substitute teacher today, and it was awful. She was listening to music and making us do the exercises without any help. I already thought my principal teacher was great, but now that I saw her co-workers, I now think she is the best one around. I hope I can stay with her for the other levels because I won't be able to learn anything if it will be like today's class.

Side Projects

Today I got to 99% of the weather project, found some cool assets of the moon and stars. Hopefully, I will finish it up by tomorrow.

I think that's all; see ya


Feito por André Carvalho